Ep. 218: Dr. Marvette Lacy on Scrappy Roots to Successful Dissertation Completion and Business Building
Ph.D. in College Student Affairs Administration University of GeorgiaDr. Marvette Lacy
The story we bring to life today is that of Dr. Marvette Lacy, the Founder, and CEO of Qual Scholars, a coaching and membership program that helps higher education professionals and doctoral students finish their dissertations and build consulting businesses. Dr. Lacy received her Ph.D. in college student affairs and administration from the University of Georgia. In this episode, Dr. Lacy tells us about her dissertation and how she decided on the topic, and also shares what initially inspired her to pursue a doctoral degree. We hear about how the scrappiness that she needed for survival growing up in Chicago was helpful in graduate school and she tells us about the culture shock she first experienced stepping into the University of Georgia. Tune in now to hear more about how she came back from academic probation after her first year, navigated fallouts with mentors, and employs the Sistas Circle research methodology in her work today. Enjoy.
Key Points From This Episode:
• A proper introduction to who Dr. Marvette Lacy is.
• Some fun facts about Dr. Lacy.
• A quick tangent on her new interest in Astrology.
• She shares more about the story of her dissertation and the topic: identity development in Black women.
• How they kept the Sistas Circles going after her dissertation cutoff.
• A brief overview of the Sistas Circles methodology and theory.
• How she got inspired to pursue a doctoral degree.
• She shares her experience stepping into the University of Georgia and its history.
• We talk about the mentors she found along her journey and the influence they had.
• More about how her program was funded.
• The full circle moment for Dr. Lacy (about her mentor experience).
• What life looked like after her Ph.D. program.
• The story of founding Qual Scholars.
• How skills she gained throughout her doctoral journey have informed the work she does with her business (today).
• One thing she would do differently during her doctoral journey if she could have a do-over.
The Cohort Sistas Podcast brings to life the stories, struggles, and successes of Black women and femmes with doctoral degrees and their lives beyond the degree. If you are a Black woman or non-binary scholar looking for resources, mentorship, and support along your doctoral journey, join the Cohort Sistas community. If you are looking for more information on how to support or partner with Cohort Sistas, please visit our partnerships page. Find us on Twitter and Instagram, and don’t forget to follow The Cohort Sistas Podcast, rate the show, and leave us a quick review.