Ep. 219: Dr. Ebony Butler on Being the Healthiest Version of Yourself During Your Doctoral Program
Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology University of HoustonDr. Ebony Butler
What you focus on during your doctoral program can heavily influence the state of your well-being. Your doctorate can be a scary, confusing, and complex time, and oftentimes a lot of your foundations can be up in the air. So give yourself some room to breathe! On this week’s episode of The Cohort Sistas podcast, we welcome a special guest, Dr. Ebony Butler. Dr. Ebony is a licensed psychologist and food-relationship strategist, with a Ph.D., in counseling education from the University of Houston. During our conversation today, Dr. Ebony talks about her journey of applying for a doctoral program three times and shares key insights into what she learned. We also discuss the interconnectedness of our trauma and our relationship to food. She shares about her dissertation and research, her mentors, funding, and the highs and lows of the program. We end the conversation hearing from Dr. Ebony about how you can focus on being the healthiest version of yourself and what that can look like. Don’t miss out, so make sure to check out this week’s episode.
Key Points From This Episode:
• Dr. Ebony both online and offline: Who is she?
• More about the creation of My Therapy Cards.
• Her island of choice and her favorite Asian food.
• She elaborates on her doctorate: the topic and what institution she received it.
• We hear about her dissertation topic and research.
• How she switched from social scripts to relationships with food.
• What first sparked her interest in psychology and her full-circle journey toward a Ph.D.
• Hear about her three-time application journey to her doctoral program.
• What stood out to her about the program at the University of Houston (and why she chose it).
• More about her program funding.
• Highest moments and biggest challenges along her Ph.D. program.
• Dr. Ebony shares details on the mentors she had in her program.
• How she envisioned her post-doctoral trajectory as her program was coming to an end.
• We talk about what she did after she finished her post-doc.
• Dr. Ebony speaks on building healthy relationships with food while in a doctoral program.
• If she could do her doctoral program over again, she’d tell herself...
• Advice from Dr. Ebony to prospective or concurrent students in doctoral programs.
The Cohort Sistas Podcast brings to life the stories, struggles, and successes of Black women and femmes with doctoral degrees and their lives beyond the degree. If you are a Black woman or non-binary scholar looking for resources, mentorship, and support along your doctoral journey, join the Cohort Sistas community. If you are looking for more information on how to support or partner with Cohort Sistas, please visit our partnerships page. Find us on Twitter and Instagram, and don’t forget to follow The Cohort Sistas Podcast, rate the show, and leave us a quick review.